Monitoring Montana Analyzing Local Economies through BEA Data May 9, 2007 The Univeristy of Montana Gallagher Business Building, Room 213 Description & Goals Every day officials make decisions to invest public and private dollars based on federal economic statistics about our communities, counties, and state. Sometimes finding the tools to make these decisions is overwhelming given the vast amount of data available. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generates a multitude of state and local indicators that are useful for local decisions. Find out how to utilize these resources for your individual needs in a special one-day workshop, "Monitoring Montana's Economy: Analyzing Local Economies through BEA Data." Working with UM's Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER), this workshop facilitates the use of regional BEA economic data for policy-making and planning in a hands-on approach. Whether you are a current or potential user, you will gain an understanding of how BEA-generated data is used for development, planning, and budgeting. Join Rob Brown, BEA chief for the Regional Economic Measurement Division, Gary Smith, director of the Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Analysis Project, and BBER economists in this unique opportunity to access and understand BEA indicators. This interactive workshop held in the UM School of Business Administration's high-tech computer lab will allow attendees to learn firsthand how to work with the data. Space is limited to 48 people and registrations and payment must be received by Friday, May 4th. The cost of the workshop is $40 per person and includes lunch and materials. For more information or to register contact BBER at 406-243-5113. Registration is available online at by clicking here. |