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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Hosts
REAP is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) enterprise that is funded and made possible by annual subscriptions received from interested individuals and organizations to support the delivery of applied regional economic analysis and research for their region or state.
Regional Analysis Without Paralysis, With the Click of a Mouse!


The Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Analysis Project (PNREAP) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation organized to foster and further sound regional economic research, analysis, education, outreach and decision-making. Through its collection of Regional Economic Analysis Project (REAP) websites and by exploiting web-enabled technologies PNREAP endeavors to empower people to expedite the distillation, portrayal, analysis and interpretation of regional economic data.
The regional economic research tools and analytical techniques on each REAP website offer users a portal to more quickly and efficiently explore, discover and understand our fluctuating, dynamic and ever-changing regional economies. We support and collaborate with local and regional economic development, research, and educational institutions nationwide. Each REAP website is funded and made possible by annual subscriptions received from interested individuals and organizations to support the delivery of applied regional economic analysis and research for their region or state.
The cornerstone for the data used on REAP are the state and county level income, earnings, employment, transfer payments and product data compiled and updated annually by the Regional Income and Product Divisions of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce (Regional - BEA, DOC).
The BEA data play a widespread and pivotal role in private and public sector state, regional and local area market research, economic forecasting, policy analysis and planning. Twenty states impose revenue or spending statutory limits based on the BEA state income data. In FY 2011 alone, over $339 billion in federal funds were distributed to state based upon BEA's region income statistics
The data are comparable for all states and counties and are consistent with national totals, thus insuring the uniformity of the results deriving from the analytic approaches available on this website for calibrating, monitoring and diagnosing current and historical regional economic conditions and trends.
What's Involved and How Can We Become a Host
For a Regional Economic Analysis Project Website?
How much does it cost?
First, there is an initial set-up fee to be paid up front based on the number of counties in your state:
  • under 50 = $500
  • 50 to 90 = $650
  • 90 to 150 = $800
Second, there is an annual subscription fee based on the number of hosts:
  • 1 host = $6,000
  • 2 co-hosts = $7,000 ($3,500 ea.)
  • 3 co-hosts = $7,500 ($2,500 ea.)
  • 4 co-hosts = $8,000 ($2,000 ea.)
Please Note: You are paying a subscription fee for a service and will simply receive an invoice for payment.
To simplify the paperwork can I pay the invoice with a credit card?
Most certainly. We endeavor to apply the KISS principle whenever possible, especially on the business side of the venture.
We can make arrangements for you to call our Cashier's Office to execute a secure credit card payment transaction by phone. At this juncture online payments are not available but we are exploring this option.
$6,000 is above our dollar limit for what we can pay by credit card. Could you send us two invoices for $3,000? If so, this would also help us avoid a lot of fuss and paperwork.
Indeed, we can and will. If you'd like, we will send a $3,000 invoice for payment at the outset for the first 6 months of your annual subscription, and 5 months later send an invoice for $3,000 for payment of the remaining second 6 months of your annual subscription.
We've made this arrangement on behalf of several of our state hosts. We are positioned to invoice down to $2,000 increments and prorate your subscription over the year accordingly. Q.E.D.
Could you give us a list of all the analyses users can perform?
Yes. complete list of analyses available for a region, visit the sitemap for the unabridged Washington State REAP website at Descriptions and details for each module are available by clicking anywhere on this listing. A few states have limited editions of what's available. States that are fully hosted, such as Washington, have the unabridged edition.
Is there a way we can track and document the number of users and how they are using our state REAP website?
Yes. We provide a feature that allows you to view the activity on your state REAP website in a formatted and easy-to-read report for any time period, with activity documented by region and type of analysis.
Does the annual subscription include data updates and any enhancements or new modules published?
Absolutely. The county data are updated at the time of the BEA data release scheduled each April, and the state data release each September. BEA's data release schedule is posted on the bureau's website:
Now we've decided we want to host a Regional Economic Analysis Project for our state. What do we need to do to subscribe as a state host and to get things moving forward? And, also, what kind of time line are we looking at before the website for our state is ready to go "live" and be published?
After we are in agreement on the subscription payment plan and initial set-up fee, we will email you an invoice for the setup accompanied by a W-9 form with our tax ID. As soon as payment is received, we will begin preparing a draft of the website for your edit and review. As we have with our other state hosts, during this process we will ask you to send a high resolution logo representing your institutional affiliation for posting on your state REAP website. If everything goes according to Hoyle, this process usually takes about 3 weeks.
Next, we will publish the draft we've prepared on our secure, private website for your edit and review. After receiving your approval, we are ready to go "live", and will publish it on the internet whenever you give us the word. Then it's off and running. After approval, the final stage of the process typically takes about one week.
Lastly, we will send the invoice for your annual subscription according to the payment plan we agree upon at the outset.
If we have other questions, and would like to visit one-on-one about this venture, who should we contact?
Please give Gary Smith a call, or send him an email for him to call you. We'd be delighted to visit and give you a demo of the website, and to further discuss and elaborate on any outstanding questions you have:
Gary W. Smith, Ph.D. PNREAP Director
Phone: 253-219-6604
Copyright © 2024. Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Analysis Project (PNREAP). All Rights Reserved.